School Resource Officers - Fannin County Sheriff's Office

School Resource Officers

A division of the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office in association with the Fannin County School System

A division of the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office is in association with the Fannin County School System, the School Resource Officer program, otherwise known by it’s acronym SRO. Currently under the supervision of Lt. Darvin Couch the School Resource Officer program began in 1997.

Along with traditional law enforcement duties, which includes the arrest powers, School Resource Officers provide the Fannin County School System with campus safety and security, classroom presentations, criminal investigations, parent and teacher conferences, as well as other activities such as C.H.A.M.P.S. (Choosing Healthy Activities and Promoting Safety).


Choosing Healthy Activities and Methods Promoting Safety (C.H.A.M.P.S.) is an educational program that was developed and implemented by the Georgia Sheriffs’ Association in 2003. The program is designed to proactively provide Georgia’s youth with knowledge and skills so that they can make healthy and safe life decisions. The C.H.A.M.P.S. program is currently offered to 5th graders at Blue Ridge Elementary, East Fannin Elementary and West Fannin Elementary.  At the conclusion of the program a graduation is held at each school in celebration of each student’s achievement.

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Fannin County School Resource Officers

Fannin County SRO’S. CHAMPS Instructors. Campus Safety.

Lieutenant Darvin Couch began his career in 1993 as a detention officer with the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office. He worked in Uniform Patrol for nine years and was promoted to Lieutenant in 2004. In 2005 Lieutenant Couch assumed the role of supervisor for the School Resource Officer Program which is a detached unit of the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office in conjunction with the Fannin County School System. During his service he has received certification in several areas of school related incidents. His responsibilities include overseeing the safety of the faculty and staff, upkeep of the Emergency Operation Procedures, member of the Safe Team Committee, work with principals on any law enforcement issues that arise.

We are also honored to say he has been called upon by the Georgia Sheriff’s Association to help assist and administer oversight for the CHAMPS Program in Sheriffs offices statewide. “CHAMPS” is designed to encourage youth in selecting healthy activities and methods promoting safety. He is also involved at the Mountain Education Charter School supporting our younger generation to stay on track to graduate. He strives to see our children and youth succeed and we are thankful for such a zealous leader.

Lt. Darvin Couch

SRO Thomas Kay

Blue Ridge Elementary 

SRO Tony Sirianni

West Fannin Elementary



Sgt. Anthony Walden

Fannin County Middle School

SRO Tommy Shook

Fannin County High School